
we're going out of town next wednesday and we were out of town last week, so you can imagine what my house looks like. this weekend i plan on relaxing and cleaning. and getting out christmas stuff so i can be ready to decorate when we get back next sunday!!


my house is a disaster. i plan on doing something about that tonight. i also bought a little wooden acorn at lunch that i'm pretty excited about. i really love fall and all it's crispness.

i also bought some bubble bath which i have been in the need of for a long time. i will enjoy vanilla bubbles tonight.

my love

i've had these lyrics stuck in my head for a week.

The mere idea of you, the longing here for you
You'll never know how slow the moments go till I'm near to you
I see your face in every flower
Your eyes in stars above
It's just the thought of you
The very thought of you, my love

i like the second line the best.
is it possible to fall MORE in love with your husband than you were in before? yes, it is, it turns out.

house hunters

last night we were watching house hunters and the couple had about a million dollars to spend. they were looking at places that were really big, but awkwardly set up and kind of cold looking. i said out loud, "if i had a million to spend i'd go for something a smaller and nicer"

david said, "if we have a million dollars we're building a house"

i was like...oh yeah. that's a way better idea. and it's probably in our future.

lessons learned

we're having some hard times, struggling with money and fun stuff like that. the good thing is that what once cause arguments has helped to bring us closer together. at the beginning of our marriage we really had a hard time figuring each other out. we didn't know how to act and react to each other's emotions, outbursts, spending habits...so we would blow up. we've learned a lot in these 3 years of marriage.

i've calmed, relaxed, de-stressed or at least begun to learn how to
he's learned responsibility, that certain things matter that maybe didn't before

basically he's started caring more and i've started caring less. we're getting through to one another.

the future

i just got really excited for when david works again and we have enough money to live in a house with room to move. i miss my large kitchen.

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