last week went quickly and all of the sudden it was friday. i wasn't feeling very well at work and i planned to just go home and get into bed, but david was done with work so i surprised him by meeting him at the apartment. we went to yorba linda to take the pump in to get fixed, had some late lunch, picked the pump back up and headed home in traffic. i had my dress fitting at 7 but we decided to head to la verne earlier to get it done. david and remy came, but david waited down stairs. my dress is in 4 pieces now...the torso to knee section, the knee to floor section, the shirtish section and the sleeves section. i had to put each piece on inside out and have andrea pin in places that needed to be let out or in. it looks so beautiful already. she's also working on my bridesmaid's dresses which are in lots and lots of pieces, but it seems like they'll be just what i want them to.
david and i have given ourselves over six months to plan the wedding but every day i want more time. it looks like we might even have to move it back a month to september to allow time for the reception place (our friend's backyard) to be finished. i visted there on saturday and its a huge hill of dirt. only the top layer has to be finished for our reception but a lot of things have to be done before it can be completed. everyone is stressing out. the biggest problem with moving the wedding is if we would be able to move our photographer and caterer to the same date a month later. i've been getting headaches every day.
this weekend we're driving up to oregon for my cousin carlie's wedding. i'm so proud of her...her and daniel are getting married in the temple. none of their parents will be attending the ceremony. i cannot imagine myself being so strong. i'm so excited to see her, i haven't in a few years. she's so great!